US contact: Address
Jean Semler, President
134 Rocktown Lambertville Rd.
Lambertville, NJ 08530
609 773 6043 H
732 779 1899 C
Mail donations including sponsorship and renewals to the following address:
Change A Life Uganda
935 Bennetts Mills Rd.
Jackson, NJ 08527
UGANDA contact:
Geoffrey Okello
GTI Grassroots Transformation Initiative Uganda
P.O. Box 70430
Kampala, Uganda
Office: +256 41 4671411
GTI is our implementing partner in Uganda.
To send a letter to a student in Uganda:
Student’s name
GTI Grassroots Transformation Initiative Uganda
P.O. Box 70430
Kampala, Uganda
If you prefer email, send your letter to with child’s name. It will be forwarded to Uganda, printed and given to your student.