St. Lawrence Students and Migyera Community Celebrate the Gift of Water!

July 14, 2014 was a special day in the life of the students of St. Lawrence School, the patients and staff at St. Francis Health Center and the community of Migyera.  Bishop Paul Ssemogerere from the Kasana Luweero Diocese in the presence of priests from the diocese, community members, the school band, local and district officials, Fr. Lawrence and our ChangeALife Uganda team, blessed our water project and pulled the lever to let the water flow. 


What great excitement and celebration – finally clean, safe water from the deep aquifer.  The whole community celebrated with music, singing, speeches and traditional dances performed by St. Lawrence School students.  Smiles and laughter filled the school yard as the children for the first time in their lives jumped up and down and played in water as it fell on their heads, wet their shirts and cooled them off in the hot afternoon sun.  


It was overwhelming for Dave and me as tears ran down our faces thinking of the many donors – especially the quarters from hundreds of NJ school children and the caring and generous donors who made this gift possible.  It has been a long journey from when we started in 2009 – 5 years later, water in MIgyera.  On behalf of Fr. Lawrence Kimbowa, Dave and me and the ChangeALife team, thank you for your support.  Please extend a big thank you to any of your friends who donated to the water project for their support.  It was an amazing day!

Bishop Paul Ssemogerere and Fr. Lawrence Kimbowa
50,000 liter water tower supplies water to the school, health center and community
St. Lawrence School students enjoy the gift of water!
Fun for all!

Fr. Lawrence Kimbowa recounts the long journey from 2009 to this amazing day July 14, 2014
Our talented students were fabulous entertainers.

The community obtains clean water from one of our kiosks.

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