Believe in Miracles

by Grace Kabazarwe
This is my success story as a ChangeALife beneficiary.   In my early childhood, when I had just started schooling, life was not very good.  I used to go to school sometimes dressed in shoes and sometimes not. 
At school I went without something to eat and spent the whole day hungry at school.  I would admire the clever children, the smart children and those who had things to eat at break time and lunchtime.
Every time women came to sell eats at school.  I would stand there near them and watch my friends at school buying so that I asked them to give me something to eat at break time and at lunch time.  Some of them would give me, while some would not, and that would annoy me very much.  This sometimes disturbed me in class.  But thanks to ChangeALife when ChangeALife came into my life everything changed.
My life changed so much that I have been always happy at school and when I go back home.  ChangeALife started paying my school fees and I was always sure to get something to eat at school.  My performance has improved and my parents are very happy about everything.  
The letters I receive, the gifts and the love I have been shown by both my sponsors and ChangeALife have greatly changed my and always made me happy and proud to be a lucky girl.
Since ChangeALife came into my life, I have always been wearing shoes at school and my uniforms have always been clean.   
I had never thought that I would even be in the boarding school but ChangeALife made my dream come true.  I started being in class in time, have meals on time and this made me perform better and better each year.

When one looks at me today and tries to remember how I used to look before ChangeALife came into my life, you start to believe in miracles.

Thanks you Change A Life for everything you have done to make my life very good.   May the Lord bless you so much.

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